In the Press
Jan, 6 2021
LAS PREDICCIONES DE NEVION PARA 2021 (newsline report)
In this article (in Spanish) for newsline report, Nevion outlines…
In the Press
Nov, 4 2020
The future role of 5G in remote production (FKT)
In this article Nevion’s Chief Technologist, Andy Rayner explains that…
In the Press
Oct, 16 2020
The future of broadcast: Fiber, IP and the Cloud (Connect World)
Traditionally, the transport of baseband signals beyond the studios has…
In the Press
Oct, 9 2020
How 5G will impact the distribution and consumption of media (TVB-Europe)
In this article for TVBEurope talks to Nevion’s Andy Rayner…
In the Press
Oct, 6 2020
Sony and Nevion share more merger details (CSI Magazine)
In this article for CSI Magazine titled “Sony and Nevion share…
In the Press
Sep, 9 2020
From remote production to distributed production (TM Broadcast )
In this article for TM Broadcast titled “From remote production…
In the Press
Aug, 19 2020
Wenn nicht jetzt, wann denn? (Medien Bulletin)
In this article (in German) for Medien Bulletin titled “If…
In the Press
Jul, 22 2020
TV-Sender: Corona als IP-Katalysator (Film-TV-Video)
In this article (in German) for Film-TV-Video titles “TV station:…
In the Press
Dec, 10 2019
Are there use cases for remote production? (Broadcast Innovation Day 2019)
On November 28, 2019, in Bingen (Germany), during Broadcast Solution’s…
In the Press
Nov, 25 2019
How broadcasters can transition to an all-IP environment incrementally (Content+Technology ANZ)
The transition to IP in live production environments is well…