
Nevion Products

Nevion CP505 ATSC Processor

The CP505 ATSC Processor offers flexible ASI, SMPTE 310 and IP network adaptation and advanced Transport Stream processing in a user-friendly and compact 1RU solution.

The CP505 provides a powerful solution for adaptation of MPEG Transport Streams to ATSC broadcast and other transport stream processing applications. The CP505 is offered in two different variants.

The basic model provides format conversion between ASI, SMPTE-310 or Transport Stream on IP/GigE (electical 1000Base-T or SFP), STM-1/OC-3 or E3/T3-DS3.

The advanced model offers the basic features plus powerful PID and program filtering with ATSC PSIP and DVB SI processing capabilities.

The CP505 supports dynamic PSIP generation for electronic program guide data, interfacing to EPG providers via the ATSC standard PMCP XML-based interface via HTTP or FTP connections. The CP505 has succesfully been integrated with several PSIP data providers, including MediaStar PSIP from Broadcast Interactive Media.

This product may have limited availability, please contact Nevion sales or use the form below. 


  • The CP505 ATSC Processor provides powerful adaptation of MPEG-2 Transport Streams for the ATSC broadcast market
  • Stand-alone operation
  • Cost-effective solution for regional service adaptation
  • Easy-to-use web interface
  • Low power consumption


  • Signal adaptation and interface conversion between IP, ASI, SMPTE 310 and optional SONET/SDH at broadcast centers, headends, transmitter sites
  • Dynamic PSIP generation from PMCP XML file from EPG provider
  • PSIP rebranding at transmitter sites (regional VCT adaptation)
  • PID and service filtering with automatic PSI/PSIP/SI updates
  • Insertion of PSI/PSIP/SI service information from PSI/PSIP/SI generators and service providers
  • Output diversity for increased reliability including unicast, multicast and multicast to unicast conversion

Key Features

  • Format conversion of MPEG-2 signals between SMPTE-310, ASI and IP interfaces
  • FEC insertion and decoding on IP signals
  • Input switching between transport stream input signals
  • Dual IP, Dual ASI, Dual SMPTE310 inputs
  • Flexible transport stream processing (advanced version)
  • Powerful PSIP rebranding and processing (advanced version)
  • Static PSIP generation and dynamic PSIP insertion (advanced version)
  • Powerful PSI/SI processing (advanced version)
  • Dynamic PSIP generation from PMCP XML file
  • Transport Stream monitoring
  • Automatic input switching on loss of signal or critical alarm
  • User-friendly configuration and control

Document   Nevion_CP505_data_sheet_R1911

Nevion Viewer 3.1.0

XXXThe Nevion Viewer is an AIR application that allows users to access user interfaces of nSure, cProcessor, Video Gateway and Virtuoso FA remotely, from any Windows or Mac computer. In order to download Nevion Viewer, send a request to Nevion support.

Document   Nevion-Viewer-release-notes-3.1.0 r1 (04/12/2020)


These mibs apply for the cProcessor, nSure and Video Gateway products.

Document   mibs ()

CP505 2.4.0

The CP505 software release 2.4.0 brings a number of fixes and enhancements, see release notes for full details.

Document   CP505_release_notes_2_4_0 (29/08/2014)

Document   CP505_User_Manual_2_0_0

Document   TXP HTTP/XML protocol

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